
Archive for February, 2009

God’s Alphabet

Bok Tower Reflection Pool

Originally uploaded by susan.house

Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee
Move out of “Camp Complaining”
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To “thank” is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We’ll run the race with gratitude
Xalting God most high
Yes, there’ll be good times and yes some will be bad, but…
Z ion waits in glory…where none are ever sad!

This was received in an email and was too good not to post.

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Mackinac Bridge

Originally uploaded by susan.house

The summer after my mother passed away, I traveled with my motor home to see if I was going to like travelling by myself. So, I decided I was going to travel the home state of my youth, Michigan. One of the areas I was interested in touring was the Upper Pennisula of Michigan. This meant crossing the Mackinac Bridge if I was going to get from the Lower to the Upper Pennisula of Michigan. Now, if you’re unfamilar with this bridge; it’s five miles long, from the water to the roadway is about ten stories high, its a suspension bridge that can sway 35 feet east to west depending on the wind, and you can see through the bottom of the bridge as it is metal grating. To add to this, I’m petrified of heighth. Standing on a chair petrifies me.

At this same time, God and I were having a discussion about me writing. He was telling me I was going to write and I was telling Him I couldn’t. He had told me He would give me the ideas and the words, all I had to do was be willing to write them. As I approached this bridge, I saw the green informational sign telling all trucks and recreational vehicles to stay in the outside lane. NOOOOO!! The wind was blowing briskly where I was, what was the wind going to be ten stories up. I just knew the wind was going to pick me up and carry me over the side. This experience was the basis for the first article God and I wrote together. It also was the beginning of a wonderful working relationship. The basis for my article was the Scripture, “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.”

These were the words I repeated to myself over and over again as I approached the bridge. Not going over was not an option at that point. I had passed the last exit and there was no turning around. Just a short distance before entering the bridge was an orange construction sign telling all vehicles to stay on the inside lane due to construction. That answered my prayer for the outside lane but I still had to cross the bridge and God had not reduced the heighth of the bridge nor had He taken the grating out of the roadway. Yes, I can do this because I have the great I AM here with me.

Many of us are facing similar circumstances right now. We are facing what seems to be insurmountable situations. Let me reassure you, “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.” Yes, I made it across the bridge. And yes, I went on to travel many, many thousands of miles across this country. Just the two of us, God and me. As Beth Moore says, “There is no situation that is too big for our God.”

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God’s Arsenal

Ship’s Cannon

Originally uploaded by susan.house

Folks, I first want to apologize for being erratic in my posting the last couple of months. Unfortunately, I’ve had a some health problems, some internet difficulties, and time demand issues. However, now, everything is under control and my focus has returned to what is important; the ministry God desires of me. Thankfully, over the last few years, God has been developing strong “holy habits” in me.

Since January 6th, I have been overseeing a Beth Moore bible study called, DANIEL. In this week’s session session she discussed the importance of having good “holy habit”. When we are faced with emergencies or stalking, hungry lions like Daniel did in the lions den; we will have the arsenal to slay our lions.

Many, many people today are facing bleak futures. Many have lost their jobs, their homes, their retirement savings. All of us, at some point, will have our lions stalking us wanting to devour us. Friends, God has equipped us with the armor to protect ourselves from these attacks. They are found in Ephesians 6: 11-18. In the first five verses, He gives us equipment of protect ourselves; but, in the last two verses He provides us with two weapons we can use to offensively fight our “lions” The first one is the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”. The second one is “pray in the Spirit on ALL occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests”. The Enemy hates it when we use these weapons because it kills him in his tracks.

Notice God didn’t say pray only when you have an emergency, or a medical matter, or a financial problem, or a family situation. He also didn’t say do everything you can first, then turn to me. And, NOWHERE in the Bible does it say “God only helps those who helps themselves”. He said pray “on all occasions”. Also, I’m not advocating here “speaking in tongues”. I AM advocating asking the Holy Spirit to guide you in making your request known. For us to use the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” we must make a habit of reading Scripture, becoming so familar with it that when a “crisis” happens; the Holy Spirit can call forth in our minds enough of the words so we can slay the lion or lions attacking us.

It is time for us to daily put on the armor our Heavenly Father so lovingly furnishes to us. It is time for us to develop “holy habits” so we can slay the lions stalking us from all sides in their attempt to kill us and leave our carcasses for the vultures flying overhead. Your Heavenly Father loves you, He has not forsaken you.

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Originally uploaded by susan.house

Next week I’m going to have my first speaking engagement. While this is something I’m very excited about and I know it is the path God is leading me on, it is very intimidating. I’ve been having my support group praying for me while I’m writing, preparing, and when I’ll be speaking. If you want to, you may also pray for me now and from 11:05 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Thursday, February 12th.

My prayers this week, needless to say, have been centered on God giving me the message for Thursday; but, also, today I asked Him go give me the message for updating this post. As I turned on my computer, there is a sheet of paper with a devotional from the Daily Word for March 6, 1997. Let me quote it here:

“You comfort me, God, with your loving, light-filled presence. God, whenever I need comfort, YOU are there with me to uplift me and to give me strength. Your loving presence fills me, relieving every longing of my heart. I am ready for whatever this day may bring.

You are always with me, GOD-even when I am least aware of YOU. Then, ever so gently, I begin to feel YOUR presence. YOU are the voice of compassion I hear, the encouraging smile of a friend, the words of love spoken-just what I need when I need it.

So, whatever happens today, I know that YOU are right there with me, encouraging me and reminding me of what I may have forgotten:

You see in me what I may not always be able to see in myself: I am an expression of YOUR divine spirit. YOU AND I ARE ONE.”

My, oh my, the way He choses to speak to me astounds me and comforts me. Thank you, Lord, for WE ARE ONE!!

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