
Archive for July, 2011


It has been three months since I have posted. Since then I’ve written one devotional I gave to a group at church. The whole time I’ve been writing, I’ve questioned why God chose me. I’m not a theologian nor am I a Bible scholar. I’m like the majority of people filling our church pews. An ordinary person who tries to read her Bible everyday, pray every day, hear and see God in my life.  When He tapped me to write, I hadn’t been a regular church-goer for the previous eighteen years. But between the time I wrote my first article and now,  God has been teaching me. Through studies, through Scripture, through prayers He has taught me about His love and His desire to have a deeply personal relationship with each person He created.

It is through a study I’m doing now, one I’m preparing to facilitate this Fall, and a devotional I read with my Bible reading plan, I learned how I had been seduced by Satan. Through the study I’m doing now I learned God speaks to us in echoes. He will keep telling us over and over until we finally hear Him and obey Him. Well, He has been telling me ever since I began writing, He had chosen the right person. He told me several times my writing was a gift and He doesn’t take back His presents and He doesn’t hand them out nonchallantly, nor indiscriminately. Then, through a study I’m preparing for, He showed me how a famous Bible study writer and teacher had the very same doubts, the very same thoughts about her writing as I did mine. Boy, that hit me right between the eyes. If she felt that way about her writing and God was using her writing so powerfully, then He was using me as His instrument for writing. His calling me to write has never been up for debate. It has been my qualifications which I questioned. Then today, a devotional told how Satan is a great fisherman. He knows the areas we are vulnerable, he knows the hook and the right lure to use to hook us, he is very crafty in hiding his hook. BAM!! Suddenly, I realized Satan had seduced me, hooked me and almost caught me in this area. Praise God He has promised us He would always protect us.  He will never forsake us!! He tells us in Corinthians He would always provide the way out when we find ourselves in these situations.

Are you being seduced by Satan? Like me, you may be starting to believe His lies. That is why I’m writing this. It was not God who was telling me I couldn’t write. God was the one encouraging me, showing me over and over again, we make a good team. Are you filled with doubts about a gift God has given you? Do you feel you’re not qualified to do what He is asking of you? Do you feel so and so is much more qualified than you? Please, stop, ask God to open your heart, your ears, your eyes to Him. Stop listening to the lies the enemy is filling you with. If God has shown you over and over again, you are doing His will, listen to HIm. We have the power within us to overcome. Jesus Christ is giving you the answer to the question(s) you are asking.

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