
Archive for September, 2011



In 2005, on my trip West in my motor home, I stopped for a week at the Grand Canyon National Park. Due to my physical condition I was only able to see the Canyon looking across it or down into it. It is magnificent. However, this past week a friend spent a week at the Canyon and Facebooked some pictures he took while on the bottom of the Canyon and hiking different trails in and through it. I was able to see through his pictures how truly awe-inspiring, how overwhelmingly majestic, and perfectly magnificent this piece of land is.  Some people only see a big hole, a bunch of rocks, and a whole bunch of hard sand. Often times, each on of us mistakenly do this when viewing others or when we view God. We don’t take time to investigate further, to look deeper or spend the time required to seek out the beauty to discover the answers to all those questions that are inside. The Grand Canyon is a perfect example of God’s forces at work. Through this picture and others my friend and his friends shared on Facebook, I was able to see a whole new beauty about this region I couldn’t see before. However, first, I had to look at them not through eyes of envy but eyes that had the scales taken off.

God tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” That can also be applied to our relationship with God. In time, if we take the time to look deeper, seek harder to understand this God we can discover the love He has for us. We discover how desirous He is to have a personal relationship with us, and we learn the lengths He went to so He can have and keep a relationship with each one of us. God created you, He knew you when you were in your mother’s womb, He knows every hair on your head, every thought you have, and He knows the beauty that is in you. Are you ready to look deeper and discover who this Triune God is? Ask Him to teach you. He will.

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